Communicate SLT are commissioned by Blackpool Borough Council and Better Start to provide Universal and Targeted support to children and families, Early Years settings and the Early Years workforce.
“Speech, language and communication are central to each child’s potential to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and ultimately achieve economic well-being.”
“Speech, language and communication is the most important thing in all our children – it’s their key to life.”
For Children and Families
Across Blackpool, all children will have their communication and language skills checked using the WellComm screening tool by their Health Visitor at the Universal visits and within Early Years Settings (e.g. Nursery) during their pre-school years or earlier if there are concerns. Following this screening, a referral can be made for Speech, Language and Communication support. Referrals are considered at an early years triage meeting, with children and families being offered the services that best meet their needs.
The ‘It Takes Two to Talk’ Program is designed specifically for parents of young children (birth to 5 years of age) who have been identified as having a language delay. In a small, personalised group setting, parents learn practical strategies to help their children learn language naturally throughout their day together. This program can be delivered either ‘in-person’ or online.
The ‘It Takes Two to Talk’ Program helps parents:
Hanen’s ‘Target Word’ Program is specifically designed for late talkers. In a small, personalised group setting and individual consultations, parents learn practical strategies relevant to helping their child progress and develop. This program can be delivered either ‘in-person’ or online.
Parents learn ways to naturally create opportunities for their child to use words during everyday routines and activities:
“I’ve loved it, it’s been so good for us… I’ve learnt loads and will use the strategies with the new baby too. I loved the one about questions, I think it’s made loads of difference and no one tells you these things normally. I’d highly recommend this to anyone, it’s been great!”
“Is there somewhere I can sing your praises? You’ve been great and I really appreciate all the help. It’s been so useful for me to take a step back and look at how we support the children and make some really positive changes – you’ve given us so many great ideas.”
“We had Ofsted in yesterday and the Inspectors commented on the interaction. Our staff were all using the Hanen strategies they had learnt and mentioning Hanen when they were talking.”
Communicate SLT provides a rolling programme of training for all members of the children’s workforce in Blackpool. Early Years Settings (nurseries, child-minders and Children’s Centres) can also request whole setting training.
Training includes:
What service users say:
“I’m so glad I came to that training recently, I’m constantly thinking about speech now when I’m with the kids.”
“Really enjoyable and informative training. Thank you.”