Header image of children holding cards spelling communicate

Welcome to Communicate SLT

Communicate SLT CIC

Communicate SLT is a not-for-profit organisation, providing flexible and tailored speech, language, communication related services which invest in the diverse communities we serve.

Our experienced and dedicated team of professionals support individuals aged 0-25 years directly and through others, using high-quality, evidenced-based approaches to maximise impact where they live and learn.

Our organisation was founded in 2011 and we’re delighted to be growing in size, reach and impact! Please take a look at this video explaining our approach.


Caroline Coyne, CEO and Founder

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As a Community Interest Company, Communicate is governed by the requirements of the CIC Regulators that ensure:

  • Our activity benefits the Community.
  • Assets and profits are used to further support our impact within the Community.
  • We keep the Community in touch with our activities.
  • We submit an annual report and accounts to the CIC Regulator.

Please Get In Touch

We welcome your comments and suggestions on any aspect of our organisation, services or website. We look forward to hearing from you.