Adults and toddlers playing together

Family Activities

Communicate SLT are experienced providers of services to children and families, including Speech, Language and Communication focussed activities, groups and workshops. These services are commissioned by local authorities, children’s centres, nurseries or schools so that they are free at the point of contact for parents.

“It’s really important that children learn to talk and listen so they can communicate with people around them, learn, make friends and have fun.”

(Small Talk, The Communication Trust)


“Parents are the best people to help their children learn – they know them best; they care about them most and want to give them the best start in life. The more you know, the more you can help.”

(Small Talk, The Communication Trust)

Family With Down Syndrome Daughter Baking And Decorating Cakes Sitting Around Table At Home

Elklan Let’s Talk              

Elklan’s Let’s Talk is a practical training course for parents, carers (including child minders) and pre-school Practitioners, focussing on Speech, Language and Communication development. Attendees learn strategies which are also suitable for all children, including those with English as an additional language and other special educational needs. Helping parents to maximise their child’s communication potential.

Talk Together Groups

A 5-week group for toddlers and their parents with fun activities to support early language development. Parents are encouraged to discuss any worries or questions they have about communication development and explore ways to support their individual child every day.

What service users say:

“I’ve loved it, it’s been so good for us… I’ve learnt loads and will use the strategies with the new baby too. I loved the one about questions, I think it’s made loads of difference and no one tells you these things normally. I’d highly recommend this to anyone, it’s been great!”


Talk With Me

A 6-week home visiting / virtual visiting service, which empowers parents to support their child’s Speech, Language and Communication skills within the home and community.

What service users say:

“Thank you so much, I have seen great improvement.”

“My son has come on so much with his talking… Communicate showed me ways to encourage my child and gave top tips. This is a fab little course that I would definitely recommend.”

“Before you were coming around

I just felt like I didn’t want to do anything, even my walls are all grey. I didn’t talk to anyone or bother with anyone. Now though I feel like I want to do things and that I can… I am going to paint my walls orange, cause I feel more like I want to make the effort.”


Hanen It Takes Two to Talk

The ‘It Takes Two to Talk’ Program is designed specifically for parents of young children (birth to 5 years of age) who have been identified as having a language delay. In a small, personalised group setting, parents learn practical strategies to help their children learn language naturally throughout their day together. This program can be delivered either ‘in-person’ or online. The ‘It Takes Two to Talk’ Program helps parents:
  • Recognise their child’s stage and style of communication so that they know which steps to take next.
  • Identify what motivates their child to interact so parents know how to get conversations started.
  • Adjust everyday routines to help their child take turns and keep interactions going.
  • Follow their child’s lead to build their confidence and encourage them to communicate.
  • Add language to interactions with their child to help them understand language and then use it when they are ready.
  • Tweak the way they play and read books with their child to help their child learn language.
  • Help their child understand and learn new words.

Baby Sign

A 5-week group for babies who are pre-walking and their parents / carers to enjoy learning signs together. The group provides information about early communication skills and how parents can support these during everyday activities.

What service users say:

“100% enjoyed it. FUN!!”

“We are loving Baby Sign! She pays so much attention when we’re there or when I do it at home!”

“Very enjoyable course. Learnt a lot of new things. *** was very knowledgeable, and nothing was too much trouble.”


“Today within [another group] session the parents interacted with their children using the signs that they have learnt from attending baby sign, it was brilliant to see them sharing what they have learnt with the other parents within the group and this enhanced the whole session.”

Children’s Centre Worker