I CAN Talk Boost KS1

What is Talk Boost KS1?

Talk Boost KS1 is a targeted intervention for 4-7 year old children with language that is delayed, including children in Reception classes. The programme is delivered in primary schools by classroom teachers and teaching assistants and provides a structured programme that boosts children’s progress in language and communication by an average of 9 – 18 months after a ten week intervention.

Children who are selected to take part in the intervention will attend three sessions per week in small groups, each lasting 30-40 minutes delivered by the teaching assistant. The sessions include activities that cover the key elements of language: Attention and Listening, Vocabulary, Building Sentences, Telling Stories and Conversations. In addition, the teacher will run a weekly whole-class activity and there are activities that can be practiced at home.

What does Talk Boost KS1 include? 

There are two parts to Talk Boost KS1.

The first is Talk Boost KS1 training delivered by I CAN’s regional team of Licensed Tutors. The training is suitable for reception, year one and year two teachers and teaching assistants. Participants will develop the skills and knowledge to understand the rationale behind Talk Boost KS1, identify appropriate children, measure their progress and deliver the intervention successfully. The cost of this training is £160 for 1-2 participants from the same setting.

The second is the Talk Boost KS1 Intervention Pack. The pack includes everything you need to run the intervention.

The cost of this pack is £500 and can be purchased here: https://ican.org.uk/shop/talk-boost-ks1-intervention-pack/

Please note that you MUST have the intervention pack in order to participate in the training.

This is an online Zoom event that is…

…interactive and involves discussion-based learning and small group activities. Participants are advised to use a laptop or tablet to access the training and cameras are required due to the interactive nature of this workshop.

Joining instructions will be emailed along with any pre-course activities prior to the workshop.

Workshops are delivered by I CAN Licensed Trainers.


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Event schedule details

  • June 28, 2022 9:30am   -   3:30pm
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